Rounding out
part I and
part II of MiMi's visits with a drive down to Multnomah Falls and trip to the Point Defiance Zoo. I was so deter.mined. to do something
outside and fun right before mom left. I refused to let the rain do us in like that and keep us indoors in her last few hours with up To Point Defiance we went! We kind of laughed to ourselves when we saw other 'desperate-to-be-outsiders' walking up to the park. As soon as we crossed the threshold it was like gail force winds kicked in (seriously). At one point, we were literally being blown around trying to find the monkeys...then we soon realized we couldn't find them because we were at the lemur exhibit. *awk* It was all the wind -- kept me from reading the sign correctly and seeing a flash of a furry creature as a monkey. Easy mistake, right?
Our visit got cut a little short as the park grounds' keepers were asking all the guests to leave because of heavy winds and trees falling. We quickly grabbed our comped tickets and were on our way, but not before a large tree branch almost hit me and my car door slammed me into the seat! (Such drama on my mom's last day! Oy!)
Quick disclaimer: this is not a picture heavy (or quality) post, but just as fun nonetheless!
^^^ Brooks looking thrilled as ever. ^^^
^^^ My interpretation of the crazy wind at the zoo. That's SAG quality right there. ^^^
^^^ Oh Mimi, how I love thee, let me count the ways. I'm so thankful for the time we've had together and the memories we will
always have from your visit.
WE LOVE YOU! (Come back anytime;)
Thanks for reading and sharing in our memories...
Lemons to Love,
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