Monday, May 4, 2015

A love letter to my blog

LtL, I miss you. There, I said it. I'm not going to play games or tell you it's been easy while I've been away because it hasn't. I've thought about you and wanted to reach out since we last spoke, but I have this new love in my life and he's sorta taken up my free time -- you know, that time I used to find, in a quiet space at home or at the coffee shop where I'd sit and type away about sunny days, motivational ways, and crafty spaces. You've been neglected, but not forgotten!

These days, my time is filled with work, school, and rushing home to catch a glimpse of my squishy new love for dinner time, splashes in the bath, and story time in the chair. These are a few of my favorite new past times -- but I still miss you. I miss my creative outlet in the home and on the keyboard as we shared together the life G and I have built our here in the Pacific Northwest. Boy, do I miss our past days together, but I look ahead at the unforeseen blessings of the future. It's already been two whole years of blogging our adventures for the world to read, and it feels just like yesterday when I posted my very first with you.

You see, our relationship is changing and headed in new and exciting direction...I'm just not sure where that is or what that looks like, quite yet. But rest assure, old friend, that where I go I will take you with me...on new adventures in this unchartered season of life. It may be a bit bumpy and there may be some brief moments of silence between us but always know you are on my mind and one day closer to our next post in this great big blogging world.

Yours always --

Lemons to Love,

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