Sunday, May 12, 2013

To All You Moms Out There

"I knew you before I formed you in your Mother's womb.  Before you were born, I set you apart."
Jeremiah 1:5

I don't know, or read for that matter, the Bible as much as I'd like to, but on this special day, this particular scripture popped in my mind, so I grabbed my Bible and gave it a read.  You know those moments you hear something differently, even when you've heard it a million times before? Has that ever happened to you?  Well, today this verse struck a different chord with me.  Today, I heard the beauty and power in it.

My mom used to say it to me growing up.  I always thought it was a sweet message, but today I'm in awe of it's expression of love; the unfathomable love God gives us through our mother's.  Before we were even a thought, before we were born, God set us apart, made us unique in His sight for a special purpose in this world. And for those who are given the gift of motherhood, whether through birth or your nature of love, you are an angel sent from Heaven to make this world a better place.

Today, this post is for you.  Happy Mother's Day to you all you beautiful moms out there ... may we all aspire to be as lovely as you!

Lemons to Love,


and a special Happy Mother's Day to my mom, the one and only :)

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