Happy Mother's Day to y'all! I just wanted to write a quick post and share my love and appreciation to the women in my life who I look up to, strive to be better because of, and model after to be a better mom, one of them in particular being my mom. You've shown me strength and faith, you've taught me forgiveness and love, but mostly you've given me
you for the last 33 years, and for that I thank you. I hope to show you
how much I appreciate and love you through my own children. When you see me with my family my hope is that you see these pieces of you...sprinkled with bits of me. ;)
I wrote this poem 5 years ago for my mom and sisters and wanted to share it here today, with all of you -- Happy Mother's Day. All my love...
God gave us Mothers, it's easy to see why
From the very beginning, from the very first cry
You held us, comforted us, and sang away our fears
You played, you laughed, and even taught us cheers!
God gave ys Mothers, it's easy to see why
You give courage, strength, the motivation to soar high
Your love is like no other, a heaven-sent gift it's true
One day, dear mother, I hope to be a mother like you
-Lindsay 4/24/2011
Lemons to Love,
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