Monday, June 16, 2014

Motivation Monday

In preparation for my upcoming trip home this week, this quote takes me to a place of pure happiness. It reminds me of days on the lake, the smell of the Atlantic Ocean, and the hot sun beaming down on my face.

Although the scenic spots here in WA are worth the drive and the memories made, there's just something about going home to the East coast beaches and our family lake house that takes me to my happy place. It's not just about the destination, but the memories I've made over the years with friends and family.

Today's post is for us remember our happy places, where memories are made with those we love and to find the time to make new memories this summer.

**Photo courtesy of the Mr. and Compass Lake 2013

Happy Monday dear readers! I hope it's a sunny, beautiful one!

Lemons to love,

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